The following NBFCs have surrendered the Certificate of Registration granted to them by the Reserve Bank of India. The Reserve Bank of India, in exercise of powers conferred on it under Section 45-IA (6) of the Reserve Bank of India Act, 1934, has therefore cancelled their Certificate of Registration.
Sr. No. |
Name of the Company |
Registered Office Address |
CoR No. |
Issued On |
Cancellation Order Date |
1. |
M/s Jubilant Capital Private Limited |
1-A, Sector 16-A, Noida, Uttar Pradesh – 201301 |
B.14.00505 |
March 20, 1998 |
March 01, 2016 |
2. |
M/s Lexicon Commercial Enterprises Limited |
84/1A, Topsia Road (South), Kolkata– 700046 |
B-05.03051 |
May 24, 2001 |
March 21, 2016 |
As such, the above companies cannot transact the business of a Non-Banking Financial Institution, as defined in clause (a) of Section 45-I of the RBI Act, 1934.